Regional Workshop on HIV

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Regional Workshop on HIV

The HIV pandemic has become one of the most critical workplace issues of our time. In addition to its devastating impact on working women and men and their families and dependents, HIV affects the world of work in many ways. Stigma and discrimination against people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS threatens fundamental rights at work, undermining opportunities for people to obtain decent work and sustainable employment. 


ILO online course on HIV testing at the workplace
online course VCTatWORK

ILO online course on HIV testing at the workplace

Good practices
Electrical engineering student

Good practices

The ILO Global HIV Discrimination in the World of Work survey
Gallup report HIV cover

The ILO Global HIV Discrimination in the World of Work survey

News and articles

ILO's commitment to non-discrimination, equality, diversity and inclusion in South Africa
social partners support C190

Empowering workplaces in driving change

ILO's commitment to non-discrimination, equality, diversity and inclusion in South Africa

Indonesia showcases progresses and achievements on promoting Non-Discriminatory Policies and HIV prevention programme at workplace
Repsentative of Ministry of Manpower wearing batik opens the World Day in Jakarta.

World AIDS Day

Indonesia showcases progresses and achievements on promoting Non-Discriminatory Policies and HIV prevention programme at workplace


VCT@WORK: Voluntary, confidential HIV counselling and testing for workers
Launch of the ILO鈥檚 VCT@WORK initiative

VCT@WORK: Voluntary, confidential HIV counselling and testing for workers

Most recent publications

A toolkit for HIV workplace peer educators on HIV voluntary counselling and testing at work


A toolkit for HIV workplace peer educators on HIV voluntary counselling and testing at work

ILO and Allies on the mission to significantly combating HIV/AIDS and Non-Communicable Diseases at Workplace


ILO and Allies on the mission to significantly combating HIV/AIDS and Non-Communicable Diseases at Workplace