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VCT@WORK: Voluntary, confidential HIV counselling and testing for workers

1 December 2014

The VCT@WORK initiative is part of the ILO鈥檚 efforts to enable workers to know their HIV status and seek treatment, if necessary. The initiative is based on the guidelines and principles of the ILO鈥檚 Recommendation on HIV and AIDS and the World of Work (No.200) . It is a global public-private partnership involving ILO鈥檚 tripartite constituents (governments, employers and workers) to ensure access to testing, counselling and treatment for workers, their families and communities. It builds on the ILO鈥檚 鈥淕etting to Zero at Work鈥 campaign aiming at protecting the labour rights of people living with or affected by HIV, and to ensure that all workers are treated equally, regardless of their HIV status.

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