Understanding the MNE Declaration and putting its principles into practice: resources and briefs

9 June 2021

Content also available in: espa?ol fran?ais 日本语


Leaflets, handouts and presentations




The self-guided E-learning module provides an overview of the principles of the MNE Declaration and includes real cases of how they can be put into practice to address a range of labour and employment issues in different contexts. It also provides a description of how the MNE Declaration relates to other international instruments which can also guide business behaviour, such as the UN Business and Human Rights Framework and Guiding Principles, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Global Compact, and ISO 26000. 

E-learning modules are available in , French, SpanishChinese and .

Direct assistance service

The gives advice on how to align business operations with principles of the MNE Declaration. It provides an individual assistance service to respond to specific questions and a web-site which features ILO tools and resources for business.


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