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Guidance and resources for the cooperative, social and solidarity economy

SSE: Legislation and policy

2 July 2018

The 91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯ supports the establishment of a conducive environment consistent with the nature and diversity of the social and solidarity economy to promote decent work and harness the fullest potential of social and solidarity economy entities, to contribute to sustainable development and sustainable enterprises, in line with international labour standards, particularly the Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No. 193).


Promoting the social and solidarity economy for sustainable development

UN Secretary-General's Report

Promoting the social and solidarity economy for sustainable development

Advancing the 2030 Agenda through the Social and Solidarity Economy
Advancing the 2030 Agenda through Social and Solidarity economy

Advancing the 2030 Agenda through the Social and Solidarity Economy

Cooperatives and the World of Work No. 16 - Legal Compendium on the Social and Solidarity Economy

Cooperatives and the World of Work No. 16 - Legal Compendium on the Social and Solidarity Economy

Social Protection & Cooperatives Spotlight - Mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection

Social Protection & Cooperatives Spotlight - Mobilizing social and solidarity economy units towards universal social protection

Decent work and the social and solidarity economy

Report VI

Decent work and the social and solidarity economy

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: Alignment of the policy with national, regional and international frameworks

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: Alignment of the policy with national, regional and international frameworks

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: An evaluation of the policy development process

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: An evaluation of the policy development process

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: A study of its characteristics and conditions

South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: A study of its characteristics and conditions

The national strategy for the Jordanian cooperative movement 2021–2025

The national strategy for the Jordanian cooperative movement 2021–2025

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia Towards an Enabling Policy Environment

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia Towards an Enabling Policy Environment

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Setting the scene

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Setting the scene

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia Spotlight on Republic of Korea

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia Spotlight on Republic of Korea

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on China

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on China

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Philipines

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Philipines

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Malaysia

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Malaysia

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Japan

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Japan

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Indonesia

Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy Landscape in Asia - Spotlight on Indonesia

Public Policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy and their role in the Future of Work: The case of Tunisia

Public Policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy and their role in the Future of Work: The case of Tunisia

Cooperatives & Social Solidarity Economy - Responses to key issues in the report of the Global Commission on the Future of Work

Cooperatives and the Future of Work

Cooperatives & Social Solidarity Economy - Responses to key issues in the report of the Global Commission on the Future of Work

Public policies for social and solidarity economy: Assessing progress in seven countries

Public policies for social and solidarity economy: Assessing progress in seven countries

Public policies for the social and solidarity economy: Towards a favourable environment The case of the Republic of Korea

Country case study

Public policies for the social and solidarity economy: Towards a favourable environment The case of the Republic of Korea

Public policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy: Towards an enabling environment. The case of South Africa

Public policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy: Towards an enabling environment. The case of South Africa

Findings of the Assessment of Service, Consumer and Handicraft Cooperatives in the West Bank: Challenges and Opportunities

Policy brief

Findings of the Assessment of Service, Consumer and Handicraft Cooperatives in the West Bank: Challenges and Opportunities

Public Policy in the social and solidarity economy: Towards a favourable environment - The case of Europe

Public Policy in the social and solidarity economy: Towards a favourable environment - The case of Europe

Public policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy: Towards a favourable environment The case of the Philippines

Public policies for the Social and Solidarity Economy: Towards a favourable environment The case of the Philippines

The Story of the ILO’s Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No.193) A review of the process of making ILO Recommendation No....

The Story of the ILO’s Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No.193) A review of the process of making ILO Recommendation No....

Promoting cooperatives: An information guide to ILO Recommendation No. 193

Promoting cooperatives: An information guide to ILO Recommendation No. 193

Cooperatives and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Contribution to the Post-2015 Development Debate. A policy brief

Cooperatives and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Contribution to the Post-2015 Development Debate. A policy brief

South Africa SME Observatory : The potential of non-profit organizations in the Free State Province to adopt a social enterprise approach

South Africa SME Observatory : The potential of non-profit organizations in the Free State Province to adopt a social enterprise approach

Guidelines for cooperative legislation, third revised edition

Guidelines for cooperative legislation, third revised edition

Policy Brief 10 - The Resilience of Social and Solidarity Enterprises: the Example of Cooperatives

Policy Brief 10 - The Resilience of Social and Solidarity Enterprises: the Example of Cooperatives

Working Paper No. 18 - Cooperative policy and law in east and southern Africa: A review

Working Paper No. 18 - Cooperative policy and law in east and southern Africa: A review

Working Paper No. 14 - Cooperatives in Tanzania mainland: Revival and growth

Working Paper No. 14 - Cooperatives in Tanzania mainland: Revival and growth

Working Paper No. 13 - Economic empowerment of Swazi society through cooperative development

Working Paper No. 13 - Economic empowerment of Swazi society through cooperative development

Working Paper No. 1 - Reinventing the wheel? : African cooperatives in a liberalized economic environment

Working Paper No. 1 - Reinventing the wheel? : African cooperatives in a liberalized economic environment

Working Paper No. 17 - Cooperatives in Zanzibar: Decline and renaissance

Working Paper No. 17 - Cooperatives in Zanzibar: Decline and renaissance

Working Paper No. 8 - Cooperatives and development: a case of citizen economic empowerment in Botswana

Working Paper No. 8 - Cooperatives and development: a case of citizen economic empowerment in Botswana

Working Paper No. 15 - Cooperatives: The sleeping economic and social giants in Uganda

Working Paper No. 15 - Cooperatives: The sleeping economic and social giants in Uganda

Working Paper No. 12 - The hope for rural transformation : A rejuvenating cooperative movement in Rwanda

Working Paper No. 12 - The hope for rural transformation : A rejuvenating cooperative movement in Rwanda

Working Paper No. 2 - Enterprise future lies in cooperation : entrepreneur cooperatives in Africa : an introductory paper

Working Paper No. 2 - Enterprise future lies in cooperation : entrepreneur cooperatives in Africa : an introductory paper

Working Paper No. 16 - Bearing the brunt of a liberalized economy : a performance review of the cooperative movement in Zambia

Working Paper No. 16 - Bearing the brunt of a liberalized economy : a performance review of the cooperative movement in Zambia

Working Paper No. 10 - Surviving liberalization : the cooperative movement in Kenya

Working Paper No. 10 - Surviving liberalization : the cooperative movement in Kenya

Working Paper No. 7 - Cooperatives in Africa: The age of reconstruction - synthesis of a survey in nine African countries

Working Paper No. 7 - Cooperatives in Africa: The age of reconstruction - synthesis of a survey in nine African countries

Working Paper No. 9 - Cooperatives: a path to economic and social empowerment in Ethiopia

Working Paper No. 9 - Cooperatives: a path to economic and social empowerment in Ethiopia

Cooperating out of poverty - the renaissance of African cooperatives movement

Cooperating out of poverty - the renaissance of African cooperatives movement

Study on generating employment through micro and small enterprise and cooperative development in Lao PDR

Study on generating employment through micro and small enterprise and cooperative development in Lao PDR

Cooperatives in Asia: From reform to reconstruction

Cooperatives in Asia: From reform to reconstruction

Promotion of cooperatives

ILC.89/Report V(1)

Promotion of cooperatives

Promotion of cooperatives

ILC.89/Report V(2)

Promotion of cooperatives