Promotion at the national level / Promotion by tripartite appointed national focal points
28 March 2024
Recognizing that enhancing the impact and contribution of the principles of the MNE Declaration to inclusive growth and decent work at the country level requires firm commitment from the tripartite constituents, governments, employers and workers are encouraged to appoint national focal points on a tripartite basis to promote the use of the MNE Declaration and its principles at the national level.
Where similar tools and processes exist in relation to the principles of the MNE Declaration, governments are encouraged to facilitate involvement of the social partners in them.
The national focal points’ efforts to actively promote the principles of the MNE Declaration at country level could include:
- raising awareness of principles of the MNE Declaration amongst government ministries and agencies, multinational enterprises and employers’ and workers’ organizations;
- organizing capacity-building events; and
- developing on-line information and dialogue platforms in local languages where possible.
The national focal points may wish to organize tripartite-plus dialogue platforms for the tripartite constituents and multinational enterprises to discuss opportunities and identify challenges presented by operations of multinational enterprises in the national context. Such dialogues could build on past experiences, lessons learned and best practices; and they could also encompass dialogues between home and host countries, as outlined in paragraph 12 of the MNE Declaration.
The national focal points should seek to promote the principles of the MNE Declaration and facilitate dialogue in a manner that is transparent, accessible and accountable to tripartite constituents.
The national focal points are invited to communicate and collaborate with their counterparts in other countries in order to exchange ideas and raise awareness of the MNE Declaration globally and are encouraged to regularly inform the ILO of their activities.
The ILO offers support to member States to establish national focal points and to develop their promotional and dialogue facilitation activities on the MNE Declaration.
The following countries informed the ILO of the appointment of national focal points to promote the use of the MNE Declaration and its principles: Brazil, Cabo Verde, C?te d’Ivoire, Ghana, Jamaica, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, , Pakistan, , Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.
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