SAW-A Project
Setting adequate wages - a focus on agriculture
15 December 2023 - 31 January 2028
Development partner(s)
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
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91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯ SAW-A project
This project promotes the setting of adequate wages, including through minimum wages and collective bargaining, in agriculture in Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, and Ethiopia, and provides technical assistance on the question of living wages. Its objective is to enable decent living standards for workers and their families, while ensuring the economic sustainability of enterprises. Since many workers in agriculture do not earn wages but cover their needs by selling goods and services on the market, the project also explores the concept of living incomes. Notably, the project explores how demand for more sustainable products and trading practices can be a lever for higher wages and labour incomes.
The project has the following stakeholders and target groups:
- Ministries of Labour and Agriculture
- Employers’ and workers’ organisations,
- Selected enterprises, including cooperatives and other famer organisations, and
- Tripartite minimum wage commissions or tripartite social dialogue institutions will be direct project beneficiaries.
- Workers in the agricultural sector, many of whom are women, will be indirect beneficiaries.
- Supply chains actors will be engaged and will benefit from information and tools that help promote adequate wages and incomes in the agricultural sector.
Strategic framework

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the 91×ÊÔ´È«¼¯ (ILO).

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Project partners
Related content

ILO Brief
Setting adequate wages: The question of living wages

Topic portal

Report of the Meeting of Experts on wage policies, including living wages