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International labour standards and corporate social responsibility: the labour dimension of human rights due diligence

Online course aims to strengthen the capacity of participants to understand the principles of international labour standards as they relate to company operations (including due diligence related to labour rights) and how those principles can be most effectively implemented in company operations.

Companies that fully understand their employees' rights are better at respecting them. This course aims to strengthen the capacity of participants to understand the principles of International Labour Standards (ILS) as they relate to company operations, and how these principles can be most effectively implemented in company operations along their supply chains. As a result of stakeholder expectations, reporting requirements, conditions for tendering and so on, companies are under increasing pressure to conduct due diligence on human-rights issues in own operations and with business partners in their supply chains. Labour rights have become a critical component and basic pillar of any due diligence process. However, proper due diligence on labour issues begins with a good understanding of what is expected of companies when it comes to respecting workers' rights. Drawing on the experience of the ILO Helpdesk for Business, participants will work through the complex issues that companies may face when designing new due-diligence processes and principles. Core questions include:
  • What should we do when national law is not consistent with International Labour Standards?
  • How can we balance competing rights?
  • What should we do when the government does not fulfill its duty to protect workers?

Target audience:

Corporate social responsibility and sustainability professionals; government officials, particularly those working in the field of public procurement; employers' organization and trade-union corporate social responsibility and sustainability professionals.


Participants deepen their knowledge of key topics with the guidance of international development experts.
  • ILO’s International Labour Standards
  • A comparative overview of leading international corporate social responsibility frameworks
  • Best practices in human rights due diligence by companies from different geographical, sectoral, and operational contexts
Participants are prepared to design due diligence frameworks for their businesses and institutions.
  • Analyze international corporate social responsibility policies through the lens of the International Labour Standards
  • Optimize due diligence processes to promote and respect workers’ rights
  • Assess actual and potential adverse labour rights impacts