ILO Gender Network Information Kit
ILO online resources on Gender
5 November 2024
ILO online resources
ILO website on gender equality and non-discrimination
Gender, Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining
Equal Pay
Gender and Employment
Gender and Migration
Gender and Just Transition
Social and Solidarity Economy and Gender Equality
Gender and Social Protection
Investing in Decent Work for Social Justice - promoting Gender Equality for All
Women in Business and Management (Bureau for Employers’ Activities)
Women and Entrepreneurship
Gender and Skills
- The gender divide in skills development: Progress, challenges and policy options for empowering women
- Guidelines for Technical and Vocation Education and Training and skills systems on violence and harassment
- Guide for the debate on training and certification services for care in childhood, elderly and people with disabilities
Empowering Women at Work (Bureau for Workers' Activities)
Violence and Harassment (Bureau for Workers’ Activities)
- ILO Standards on Violence and Harassment: What role for workers'organizations?
- Violence and Harassment against Women and Men in the World of Work-Trade Union Perspective and Action
- Psychosocial risks, stress and violence in the world of work
- The Threat of Physical and Psychosocial Violence and Harassment in Digitalized Work
- ACTRAV Agora: The Threat of Physical and Psychosocial Violence and Harassment in Digitalized Work
Women and Men in the Informal Economy
Women’s history in the ILO