Training and webinars on international labour standards for businesses Online training tools Business and decent work, an introduction to the MNE Declaration eLearning tools on child labour Online training courses organized by the International Training Centre of the ILO Recordings of webinars Virtual High-level event - Guiding the COVID-19 response and recovery towards a better normal free from violence and... Business, non-discrimination and gender equality in the time of COVID-19, 29 April 2020 Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives , 28 April 2020 Disability Inclusion in COVID-19 responses in the World of Work facilitated by the ILO Global Business and Disability... Employer-Supported Solutions for Childcare, 15 January 2020 Filling the skills gaps and addressing the mismatches - What can business do?, 19 November 2015 How can companies uphold freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining? -... Safety and Health in the Construction Sector- Overcoming the Challenges, 7 November 2014 New international standard on the elimination of forced labour - Implications for business, 5 September 2014 Business and the Realization of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, 16 July 2013 How global enterprises are responding to the global call for the extension of social protection, 14 May 2013 Migrant Workers and Businesses: Challenges and Opportunities, 11 February and 1 March 2013 Web accessibility for persons with disabilities: benefits for all, 12 February 2013 Human rights and social justice: Let’s end child labour, 27 November 2012 The ILO-IFC Better Work Programme, 24 April 2012 Disability in the Workplace and the ILO Global Business and Disability Network, 3 April 2012 Women’s Entrepreneurship Development: ILO experiences in assisting women entrepreneurs in starting-up a productive... HIV and AIDS in the workplace: how companies can make the difference in prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS, 28... Eradicating Forced Labour from Global Supply Chains, 26 October 2011 Disability in the Workplace and the ILO Global Business and Disability Network, 29 June 2011 Children in Hazardous Work, 24 May 2011 Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value - How do We Get There?, 29 March 2011